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What to expect


The initial treatment will last 45 minutes and will begin with a case history. This consists of a series of questions about your complaint, a discussion about your past medical history and a few questions about you general lifestyle.

The aim of the case history is for the osteopath to get an idea of what may be causing your problem. It is also used to get an overall picture of you as an individual, whether you’re safe to treat, or if further investigations or referral are needed.

Following the case history an examination will take place. At this stage you may be asked to undress down to your underwear, depending on the complaint. If you do not feel comfortable doing this you may bring along a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to put on.

Once the examination is finished the osteopath will tell you what they think is causing the problem, and then, having gained your consent, the appropriate treatment will be provided.

At the end of the consultation the osteopath will discuss your management plan and will be able to give you an idea of the number of treatments needed, and anything you can do to help your recovery.

Children and Babies
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Osteopathic care for children and babies

Young children and babies cannot verbally tell us they are in pain or discomfort. The problem is often suspected through an increase in crying, restlessness and general irritability.

In the treatment of young children and babies, the use of cranial osteopathic techniques are often used.

Cranial techniques work by feeling for subtle movements in the body sometimes referred to as the involuntary mechanism or the cranial rhythm.

The techniques used are gentle and aim to decrease tension within the child or baby’s body (tension is often presented in the head or spine).


Initial Treatment

Per Session

Payable by cash or card

Follow Up Treatment

Per Session

Payable by cash or card

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